Dec 31, 2020
It’s the New Year and everyone is setting their health goals for next year.
Whether that comes to changing eating habits or weight loss.
But what really determines whether you follow through with those healthy eating goals you set for yourself?
In today’s episode, I’m teaching you the right way to set goals when...
Dec 23, 2020
Do you ever dread eating out with other people?
Because you know deep down it will derail your healthy eating progress?
I see this with my clients all the time.
They’ll be well on their way to healthy eating success.
Only to self-sabotage when they eat in social gatherings.
This doesn’t have to be the case.
In this...
Dec 16, 2020
Have you ever thought to yourself, “If only I just knew the right things to eat?”.
If so, it’s highly likely you’re stuck in diet belief.
This is something I notice when I first start working with my clients and students.
And it’s what has kept them with the same eating habits for years.
While they...
Dec 9, 2020
When someone tells you to be “body positive” what comes up for you?
Do you feel relieved knowing that you can love your body at any size?
Or do you feel shame because you want different results with your body than you have now?
In this episode, I’m clearing up for you what body positivity really entails.
And what...
Dec 2, 2020
I find most people have no idea why they’re sabotaging their eating habits.
Especially when they want to change their results so badly.
The desire for change is there.
Yet they can’t seem to bring themselves to take the actions with food that they want, long-term.
This tends to cause a lot of internal suffering for...