Jun 23, 2022
Why do you create weekly food plans?
Do you actually want to create them from a place of fulfillment and desire? Or, does it feel like the only option to eat healthy and have control with food?
If it’s the latter, I want to invite you to question whether a food plan is actually necessary to make healthy food decisions...
Jun 16, 2022
How do you personally define being accountable to yourself with food?
Do you imagine the experience feeling free, light, fulfilling, and accessible? Or, do you imagine it feeling rigid, harsh, and demanding – where the stakes are very high to get the results you want?
For women I coach, it’s usually the latter. They...
Jun 9, 2022
Did you know that your overthinking is leading to overeating?
Overthinking simply occurs when you endlessly layer thoughts to solve a problem.
You take one worry or concern and then add multiple layers of them in your mind.
In doing so, you impact your emotional state and nervous system.
When we don’t protect...