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Healthy Eating For Busy Women

Nov 24, 2022

Something I want you to know on this holiday:

Thanksgiving represents one day out of the year. The stakes are very low in terms of how today will impact your progress with food and body. That being said, you can choose to enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday and make clear decisions with food that are in your control.


Nov 17, 2022

You want to change your results with food and body permanently. And, it’s possible that you’ve tried and failed to do this for quite some time.

This means you likely want a blueprint and roadmap that guarantees your success. You want to ensure that you won’t ever fail again in the process.

Here’s the bad news...

Nov 10, 2022

To solve our food and body struggles permanently we must be willing to tolerate uncertainty.

As humans, we always want to feel certain. This is a useful survival mechanism from our brain to avoid danger. It’s not so useful when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight.

Because certainty leaves only two options:...

Nov 3, 2022

A common question: How long will it take for me to lose the weight permanently? 

The honest, real answer? Only your body knows for sure.

This isn’t a problem. When it becomes a problem is when you are in opposition with your body’s natural timeline for weight loss, because you’re attached to making it happen...