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Healthy Eating For Busy Women

Jan 26, 2023

If you’re a high-achieving woman, you most likely learned to achieve goals by shaming yourself when you did things wrong.

It may have worked in the past, but it’s stopped being effective with food and body. You feel tired, burnt out, and totally spent. Which causes you to shame yourself even more.

It may not be...

Jan 19, 2023

Many of my clients come to me burnt out. They feel like they have a total lack of energy when it comes to eating healthy.

Which worries them, because they think: “If I don’t have energy left to give, how will I possibly create the results I want?”.

This is the kicker. Because diet culture taught you that to change...

Jan 12, 2023

Ask Yourself: What are the expectations you will have of your body when you eat healthy and lose weight?

What will you demand from your body in return for the effort you put in?

To change your results with your body, you will need to change your relationship with your body.

It’s a non-negotiable first step.

Many of us...

Jan 5, 2023

Consider: How will you choose to fuel your food and body goals this year?

To create the results you want, you will need to take different actions with food. And, the quality of your food actions will be determined by the emotions you use to fuel them.

Read that again.

In the new year, most will feel compelled to fuel...